Kavita Yadav
Most Trusted Parenting Coach & Teen Counsellor in India
Enabling parents and their teenagers to build a more loving, supportive parent-child relationship. Also counseling teens to make successful career choices. Thus improving family function.
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Handbook for Moms & Dads
Temper Tantrums in children and How to handle them. Feeling frustrated and wondering about all the whining, screaming, breath-holding spells?
Take a slow delicious deep breath in and out; once again breathe in and out. Relax. It is part of child development. Go ahead and read!

What we do
Learn. Apply. Experience

Parenting Program & One-to-One Counseling
Parenting is no child’s play. A parent is a teacher, buddy, guide, mentor, nurse, critic, counsellor and a whole lot more! We want the best from our child indeed…

Behavioral & Career Counseling for Teenage Students
JiNa’s endeavor is to inspire, not instruct. Our workshops are carefully structured and delivered so that they instill confidence, enhance positivity and eliminate negative beliefs…

Self-Care Parenting Program for Working Parents
The work force of an organization is living human beings. They are not devoid of their emotions, and feelings. And as machinery, technology requires regular check-ups, maintenance, updating..
What Clients Are Saying

Meet Kavita Yadav
A proud mother, Qualified counselling psychologist, Dual certified parenting coach, Teen counsellor with more than 19 years of experience.
She is also certified in various therapeutic modalities like REBT, CBT, TA, CFT, EFT, EI which makes her a distinguished counsellor dealing with stress, anxiety, anger, depression, etc. and working effectively for the wellbeing of people.
Parents Supported
The Latest from The Blog
Kavita Yadav along with her fellow psychologists and counsellors in the team writes the most useful blogs and guides for parents, students and working parents.

The Freelancer’s Journey: Balancing Passion, Parenthood & Professionalism
It’s been a long break since I last wrote a blog. Though I have tried to stay active on my social media

9 Steps to Improve Women’s Mental Health
Come March and there is so much freshness and newness around. This is the most happening transitioning month of the year. Seasons

New Year, New Me : How Long Did It Last
“Be Yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde The New Year, 2023 has already picked up the pace. Everyone is
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