9 Steps to Improve Women’s Mental Health

Come March and there is so much freshness and newness around. This is the most happening transitioning month of the year.

  • Seasons change from winter to spring to summer.
  • School students are in the phase of completing one academic year and looking forward to entering a new grade, class.
  • It is the last month of a financial year and the beginning of a new one.
  • And it is in this month that International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year.

Though womanhood is to be celebrated every day, every moment because this world would not have been possible without women. She is the creator and nurturer of life. However, in being present for everyone around her she has somewhere forgotten to be present for herself.
There is a lack of balance in the lives of women these days. Many of them are so caught up in the rat race that they have completely forgotten the importance of self-care. Stress and emotional turmoil take a toll on their bodies and can leave them feeling physically drained and mentally exhausted.

However, many women forget that they have a right and responsibility to their own health and well-being. Sadly, this responsibility is often neglected in favour of their children or their careers. They pay little attention to their emotional well-being and end up making unhealthy choices in order to cope. This means that they are neglecting their bodies and their mental health.

An important thing to remember is that everyone is different and that no two people will experience mental illness in exactly the same way.

A lot of women have kept themselves last in their own list of priorities, and though today’s woman is educated, independent, and working but somewhere is still a slave to her own self-limiting beliefs. She needs to break free from her own patterns and thoughts and be a role model for her own children and other women around. It’s time women understand that they are not just a wife, mothers, or daughters but also human being themselves. Every human being holds a responsibility to themselves to have a balanced life and treat themselves as someone they love.

To create a more balanced life and tackle the issues of crippling physical and mental health, dear woman, you will need to make some changes in the way that you approach things.
Here are 9 tips to help you get started:

1. Every Experience benefits in life. Never doubt yourself:

All women who have sacrificed their dreams of having a career for the sake of their children in their foundational stages of growth and development begin to feel that they might be too late for restarting a career. But it is the complete opposite. A mother who has taken care of the kids and the house has developed skills in multiple fields of management.

For example, a woman who has taken care of the kitchen is well aware of the stock units of products used in the kitchen. She can implement this knowledge in the corporate world to work as an inventory manager.

The same woman has dealt with the tantrums of her child going through puberty, the complaints of maids, and even supported her husband in his times of frustration. The level of human resource management that a mother knows is impeccable without any doubt. All that is needed is the opportunity to showcase these skills through the “work experience” that she has gained prior to entering the corporate world again.

2. Exercise regularly:

Getting your heart rate up on a regular basis is a great way to reduce stress and boost your energy levels. Find an activity that you enjoy and try to do it several times a week. Indulge in new activities which make one appreciate oneself. Learning new activities/skills helps you feel that there is still scope for that person to learn more in life. A sense of helplessness or self-complacency can be replaced with motivation to improve and become a better version of yourself.

3. Have a non-digital life as well:

The modern world has digitalized everything and we all have gotten glued to the traps of Instagram, Netflix, Youtube etc. We are all facing brain drain and it puts limiters on the power of our conscious & subconscious minds. We unknowingly limit ourselves in today’s world. Women hold immense capability. Stay away from time-wasting tools like social media and OTT platforms. There are a lot of better things to do to improve your physical and mental well-being.

4. Try meditation:

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress levels and help you feel more at peace with yourself. Many different types of meditation are available so you should be able to find one that resonates with you. Start small with just a few minutes each day and gradually build up to longer sessions if you want.

5. Get enough sleep:

Poor sleep can affect your mood and cause anxiety. It can also make it harder for you to think clearly and stay focused. Make sure that you are getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and take time to relax before bed so that you can fall asleep easily.

6. Learn to manage your stress:

Finding ways to deal with stress is critical to your physical and mental health. Consider doing yoga or going for a long walk to get some exercise and help relieve stress. It also helps to speak openly with people you trust when you are feeling overwhelmed.

7. Eat a healthy diet:

Eliminate processed foods from your diet and instead focus on natural, organic, and fresh foods. These will help keep your energy levels high and provide you with important nutrients. You should also try to limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine as these can cause mood swings and lead to addiction.

8. Treat your body with respect:

You are more than just the sum of your parts – you are a whole person with a unique personality and your own needs. Take the time to slow down and appreciate all of the things that your body can do for you. By taking care of yourself, you will be better able to take care of your responsibilities and improve your relationships in the process.

9. Learn Self Defence:

One of the reasons a lot of women are unable to protect themselves from physical or mental abuse is due to a strength difference between men and women created by natural biology. It is important for every woman to learn how to defend herself and also contribute towards the duty of protecting her family along with the man of the house.


Women empowerment: how you can lead the change too

A woman who is physically, mentally, and emotionally fit & strong manages her time in order to pursue her own passions while also being a responsible mother, daughter or wife. A woman who is on a constant path to self-improvement such a woman will inspire other women in society and people at home. The modern world has helped facilitate the breaking down of old taboos and women can be empowered through the right mindset and sheer will. Women can now break free from their old patterns and adopt new ones. It’s time to uplift each other and rise above.

“You are the one thing in this world, above all the other things, that you must never give up on.” Lili Reinhart

If you agree to this write-up and it resonates with you then share your comments. If you are a woman who is struggling to understand herself better and how to bring that balance back in her life, book a free 30-minute consultation call with me by visiting my website www.jina.co.in

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